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Fashion distributor saves logistics costs with RFID



     Jobstl Warehousing & Fashion GmbH, a European-based third-party logistics company, has implemented the standards-based active RFID real-time locating system (RTLS) technology from WhereNet to automate yard management processes associated with its retail distribution business.

     By enabling complete closed-loop supply chain visibility, the WhereNet system optimizes the flow of containers between Jobstl warehouses and customer sites across central Europe - resulting in increased throughput, reduced inventory, enhanced customer service, and shorter order-to-cash cycle times. This article is copyright 2006 UsingRFID.com.

Yard operations
     "WhereNet has allowed us to transform our yard operations by transitioning from manual, paper-based, error-prone data collection processes to a completely automated system," said Erwin Gabardi, managing director for Jobstl. "WhereNet''s locatable active RFID technology, which provides nearly 100% accurate data capture, is the foundation of our integrated fleet management system. That system provides complete visibility to every trailer in our fleet - whether at our warehouses or on-site at a customer location - completely eliminating search times and any potential for lost containers."

High-end fashion
     Jobstl distributes fashion merchandise for the Charles Vogele Group, which operates more than 750 clothing stores in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.

     After initially considering global positioning satellite (GPS) solutions, Jobstl determined that technology was too expensive and not practical enough to address the dynamic nature of its distribution business. With assistance from system integrator Comtrix, which evaluated competitive RTLS solution providers, Jobstl chose a hybrid solution that uses the WhereNet automated RTLS system to provide real-time data in local areas such as warehouses and customer sites, and semiautomatic wide area "on the road" event notification to ensure complete, closed-loop supply chain visibility.

System structure
     The WhereNet solution at Jobstl consists of active RFID WhereTag transmitters attached to every container in the fleet; WherePort magnetic "exciters" positioned at Vogele''s dock doors; and a local infrastructure of wireless WhereLAN location sensors covering more than 20,000 square meters at the Jobstl and Vogele facilities.

Benefits found
Among the benefits Jobstl has realised from its WhereNet installation to date are:


Elimination of time-intensive manual data collection processes and lost containers, as the system provides 100% container tracking, location and status information;
Real-time updates of asset locations throughout the yard, which helps automate the workflow for yard drivers for both Jobstl and its customers;
A 20% cost savings resulting from increased container utilization;
Improved order-to-cash cycle times as a result of reducing the billing process from one week to a half day;
A significant reduction in dock door and yard turn times, resulting in increased throughput;
Improved customer and employee satisfaction as both parties can now focus on managing by exception and more value-added tasks, rather than manual-intensive processes




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